Notice of AGM
Date: Friday, January 31, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM
Location: Accent Inn meeting room
3233 Maple st , Victoria BC
Re: Notice of Annual General Meeting on Friday, January 31, 2025 at 9:00 am and Nominations for the 2025/26 Board of Directors
To the VISFMC Voting Members,
The AGM and Election of the 2025/26 Board will take place at the meeting room of Accent Inns, located at 3233 Maple St, Victoria, BC on Friday, January 31, 2025 at 9:00 am. Please enter through the hotel’s main lobby and follow signposts to the meeting room. Free parking onsite.
Included in the agenda will be items that are required to be covered at the AGM for legal purposes, the review of our audited financial statements, acceptance of last year’s AGM minutes and a special resolution to update our bylaws.
Part 5 – 28(1) If a Director resigns his or her office or otherwise ceases to hold office, the remaining director “must” appoint a member to take place of the former director. To be replaced with “may”, for consistency with Part 5 – 27(1)
Part 5 – 27(3) Nominations for a Director may be considered, given they meet the Statutory qualifications, and attributes as directed by the Board
Also included will be nominations and voting for six (6) vacancies on the 2025/26 Board. All voting members are eligible to serve on the Board of the Vancouver Island South Film & Media Commission. You are welcome to nominate someone or to submit your own name. Each name submitted must be on the prescribed nomination form included in this package. Each Director will begin a two-year term of office effective at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting.
Please be aware of the expectations we have of our Board of Directors. A Film Commission Director should:
- Be self-motivated and have the ability to recruit and lead other people in challenging projects.
- Be prepared to commit a minimum of 4 hours a month to Film Commission work plus attendance at monthly Board meetings, Membership Mixers, Special sponsorship and fundraising events and Monthly meetings of the committee they chair.
- Be free of serious commitments to other organizations that might lead to a conflict of interest.
As a Director on the Board, you will actively contribute to the Commission’s prime objective of marketing Victoria as an international filming destination and all the development and growth within our community that will take place in order to support this industry.
Please note that nominations close at 9:00 am on Thursday, January 30th 2025. Please click on the following hyperlinks to view the AGM Agenda and the Minutes from the last AGM.
Tara-Lee Novak
Film Commissioner
203-2826 Bryn Maur Rd, Victoria, BC, V9B 3T4