*If interested in being a background actor or going to film school, scroll to the bottom of the page
Crew & Vendor Database
Natural beauty, quality of life, and proximity to Vancouver continue to draw crew to settle on Vancouver Island. With seasoned local professionals and a passionate film production community, you will find an experienced and talented crew for hire in all departments.
Search by department and position. Each crew member has a profile page with their experience, contact information, and links listed.
Labour Unions & Guilds
Film and television industry professionals in British Columbia are represented by labour unions, covering a wide range of crew positions and talent. Unions and guilds unite workers in the industry, negotiate contract agreements and advocate for their members. They also provide training and professional standards to maintain the level of excellence from our film crews and talent. Follow the above link for a list of union chapters representing the south island region.
Get Started In A Film Career
Want to work in film & media but don’t know how to go about it? At the Film Commission, we offer lots of opportunities for students, youth and community members who want to learn and work in the industry.